
Parents Flying Home With Newly Adopted Baby Get Heartwarming Surprise From Southwest Flight Crew, Passengers

Traveling with a baby can always be a hectic time for parents, but a newly minted mom and dad had their anxieties put at ease when they received a surprise on their Southwest flight.

Dustin Moore, a registered dietitian, and his wife, Caren, were flying home to California after adopting an infant daughter when the plane’s crew sprung into action to create a special moment for the first-time parents.

In a detailed Twitter thread, Moore explained that he and his wife were having a typical experience of parents have while boarding a flight, said, “my wife carried our precious bundle, while I offered numerous apologies to passengers while maneuvering the aisle with 4 bags.”

He continued, recounting how when his daughter woke up and needed a diaper change, a flight attendant named Jenny accommodated them by offering them a space for more privacy.

Afterward, Jenny asked why they were on a flight with such a young baby, finding out what a special trip the Moores were having. Another flight attendant, Bobby, also approached the couple with a few questions.

Dustin Moore, MS, RD@theamericanrd · Feb 9, 2020Replying to @theamericanrd

After a change, Jenny and another passenger complimented my beautiful daughter and politely asked what had prompted a flight with such a young infant.

I gave them the shortened adoption story, to which they hastily offered congratulations, and shared a few more kind remarks. /4

Dustin Moore, MS, RD@theamericanrd

About 10 minutes later, another attendant (named Bobby) greeted us w/ a warm smile, and inquired about our daughter.

We repeated the story w/ a few details, and he congratulated us before walking away. My wife and I exchanged curious looks, but thought nothing more about it. /27 people are talking about this

After that, Bobby took over the intercom and announced to the cabin that there was a “special guest” on board. “She’s just been adopted by her parents Caren and Dustin, and is making her way home,” Bobby said, to which passengers applauded.

The flight crew then passed out napkins and pens, asking fellow passengers to share a little bit of advice for the new parents.

Bobby read out some of the best ones over the intercom.

Dustin Moore, MS, RD@theamericanrd · 

He then shared that the crew would pass out pens and napkins to everyone, and anybody who wanted to share a word of advice or encouragement for our family was welcome to do so.

We sat in speechless gratitude, as people kept peeking over their chairs to congratulate us. /7

Dustin Moore, MS, RD@theamericanrd

The crew gathered the napkins, then read a few of their favorites over the intercom.

“Rub each other’s feet, and rub the baby’s feet.”

“Make time for date night.”

“Always tell her you love her.”

“Enjoy every minute. It goes by sooo very fast.”

“Drink lots of wine!” /

About 60 napkins were collected for the Moores to keep.

In addition, the crew gave their daughter a pair of wings, in honor of her first flight.

“What all of those perfect strangers and attendants did not know, was the emotionally tender state of two brand-new parents,” Moore wrote. “Parents who after 9 years of trying had been blessed with their first child. Parents who felt scared, but determined in their new role.”

It turns out, the flight attendant Jenny and Bobby were a married couple that were paying forward the kindness they received on their honeymoon flight.

Dustin Moore, MS, RD@theamericanrd · Feb 9, 2020Replying to @theamericanrd

The outpouring of love from that flight, brought on by the actions of two thoughtfully observant flight attendants… it exceeds my ability to describe what it meant to us. How much those wings and written notes uplifted two new parents determined to love their new daughter. /12

Dustin Moore, MS, RD@theamericanrd

This website is used oft as a means to share what’s wrong.

I hope you’ll take time to share what is good. In a world of turmoil, don’t forget to showcase the Bobby’s and Jenny’s, the kind strangers out there.

And if they don’t cross your path, be one. Seek good, or create it.

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“Thank you all for the love you’ve shown us. We only wish we could sit down with each of you, tell you the rest of the story, and hear yours. Maybe another time,” Moore concluded.

Southwest Airlines is known for going above and beyond in terms of customer service, especially recently. Earlier this week, the airline helped a customer recreate his romantic proposal to his wife of 25 years.

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